August Sister Chat

August Sister Chat
Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 12:00pm CT on Zoom

Click here to register for our April Sister Chat on Thursday, August 22nd at 12pm CT with Sister Carrie Miller. We will gather over to Zoom to chat with Sister Carrie about her recent pilgrimage to the Nogales, Arizona/Mexico border as a board member of Viator House.

Watch Previously Recorded Sister Chats

We are excited to share that our Sister Chat event recordings have now surpassed over 1,000 views!

We regularly gather for intimate 45 minute discussions with our SLW Sisters to talk about their ministry, service, life experiences, and the work that they are passionate about. These moderated discussions are followed by an open Q&A with our event attendees.

You can also view video recordings of our past Sister Chats at the following links:

Feel free to contact Amanda Waldhauser, Director of Mission Advancement, via email at with any questions you have on this event series.


Remembering Sister Rita Ramos


2024 Birdies for Charity Fundraiser