Long-Term Giving & Recognition
All Partners in Mission of the Sisters of the Living Word will be recognized in an ongoing basis on the SLW website (see bottom of this page), other publications, and at certain events. Bequest and estate gifts received or pledged for the future are greatly appreciated and bless the Sisters and all whose lives they touch. Please contact Amanda Waldhauser, Director of Mission Advancement, for more information or to notify us of your own estate gift, at awaldhauser@slw.org or 847-577-5972, ext. 226.
There are several ways you can support Sisters of the Living Word on a long-term basis, including the following options:
You may establish an annuity with the Sisters of the Living Word, providing for annual income while living and offering a farsighted gift to SLW upon death. The Sisters of the Living Word have partnered with the National Catholic Community Foundation (NCCF) to manage our annuities. You may use their site to run your own projections with their planned giving calculator or contact Amanda Waldhauser, Director of Mission Advancement, who will run the projections for you. Subscribe to the NCCF e-newsletter at their website.
You may wish to include the Sisters of Living Word in a will either by stating a set amount or a percentage of the estate. If you choose this option please consider sending a copy of the page listing the Sisters of the Living Word so those who come after us have a record of your intention. If you would like a codicil, click here.
Life Insurance Policy
If you have already made a will and provided for your heirs through the disbursement of property and other valuables, but still wish to make a gift to the Sisters of the Living Word now or upon death, you may want to consider a life insurance policy. You may name the Sisters of the Living Word as the beneficiary on an existing, paid life insurance policy.
Learn more in the “Giving Resources” box.
Giving Resources
Before making a decision regarding significant charitable giving, we urge you to consult with your attorney or accountant to safeguard your interests and those of your family.
Sisters of the Living Word Mission Advancement and Estate Advisory Committee
The following are estate planning members serving on the committee. Please feel free to contact them for assistance with any of your financial/planned giving matters:
Mr. Robert J. Ross
Law Offices of Robert J. Ross, Estate Planning
Mr. Patrick Ross
Law Offices of Robert J. Ross, Estate Planning
Recognition of Partners in Mission
Partners in Mission of the Sisters of the Living Word is an association that honors and recognizes those individuals or couples who make provisions for the Sisters of the Living Word in a farsighted way. Partners in Mission have committed to securing the future of the Sisters of the Living Word ministries by naming SLW as beneficiary of an annuity, will/trust, life insurance policy, or other planned giving vehicle. This intention is a commitment in faith and dedication to the mission of the Sisters of the Living Word.
We are grateful to the following Partners in Mission members: (*deceased)
Mrs. Helen Bajkowski, ASLW*
Mr. John Beyke*
Ms. Mary Bozif*
Ms. Mary Calavenna*
Ms. Martha Marie Duchon*
Monsignor Sylvester Fedewa*
Mrs. Kathleen Flick
Mr. and Mrs. William Ginter*
Mrs. Florence Hoffmann*
Mark and Faith Konchan
Therese Lynch*
Rev. Thomas Maher*
Mr. Reno Masini*
Ms. Theodoret Mary Mattli*Ms. Naomi L. McComb*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller*
Daniel and Leslie Mollsen
Rev. Richard E. Raney*
Rev. Donald C. Ries*
David and Susan Sabrio
Mrs. Olivia Schulz*
Rev. Joseph Seitz*
Ms. Judith Ann Simpson*
Ms. Jean A. Sitzmann*
Mrs. Charlene Smuck
Ms. Geraldine Thomas*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tonery*
Linda Kamp Waugh and Robert W. Waugh