Living Word Crafts Have Global Appeal!
Here are some of the newest craft projects:
Resurrection triptych
Three sets of concentration cards
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy
Living Word Crafts: Comments & Conversations
Gerti from Austria:
Regarding “Sacraments of the Catholic Church – Bulletin Board for Gr.2-5”: “Thank you! Great Idea! It would be nice to have this and others of your great ideas also in German! Thanks, once more and God bless you! Best wishes from Gerti”
Regarding resource “Miracle Jesus Calls Peter To Walk on Water for Gr.3 and 4”: “Thank you! What a great idea for folding the boat. My students will like it! Best wishes, Gerti”
Here is a wonderful exchange between Sisters Judiann and Jeannette and a teacher in England during the pandemic lockdown:
“Hello. Sending love and blessings from the UK in London (in lockdown!). I hope you are all well, safe and able to access enough food and supplies. Your crafts are absolutely brilliant. I am a Sunday School teacher here and we are working to provide teaching remotely for our children. We are hoping to produce a 30-40 minute film each Sunday for young children, with a Bible story, talk, prayer, worship, etc. Plus I would then demonstrate a craft. Initially this will just be for our own church (St Michael’s Chester Square) but we would love for our children to share this with other children as there is very little being done in this area for children during this period of lockdown and quarantine. Would it be acceptable to you if I use any of your crafts for this? They are, by far, the most interesting (and still simple!) crafts that I have come across. I look forward to hearing from you. - With love, Francesca
Judiann and Jeannette gave Francesca their permission and this is her response to them:
“Thank you for this lovely, gracious reply. I shall ensure that everybody knows from where these crafts have come. You have a true gift for this creative work. I spend a LOT of time looking for crafts exactly like these and, truthfully, yours are the best I’ve found. You are blessing many children through this work. Thank you for praying for us. Be assured that you will be in my prayers too. - With my love, Francesca”
Jeannette Daniel, SLW (shown in the photo), and Judiann Derhake, SLW, create these original 3D crafts and activities for Pre-k and elementary students.
Living Word Crafts: Products & Reviews
Living Word Crafts is your Catholic/Christian source for quality dimensional Old and New Testament Bible crafts, sacramental preparation briefcases, religion and seasonal activities. These crafts and activities will engage students as they learn about God and bring their work home to share with their family.
Thanksgiving Story of the Ten Lepers Pre-k to Gr.1
Very engaging for my students. Thank you! - Cristina A.
Flight into Egypt 3D Activity for Gr.1 to Gr.3
This was used in our discipleship training class as we have been learning about the life of Jesus. - Katie W.
Advent Wreath 3D Pre-K to Gr. 3
It was great to find an Advent wreath craft that was easy to do; most that I’ve seen are too complicated and frustrating for students. This was a fun activity even for older kids and they especially liked creating the “wreath” part. - Carrie M.
Two Great Commandments 3D 3-way picture for Gr.1 to 3
Even though this was made for grades 1-3, I used it as a gathering activity in my 5th and 8th grade Sunday School class, and the kids really enjoyed this craft. They were showing it around at coffee hour. - Carrie M.
Lent: Fast, Pray, Give 3D Daily Table Reminder Gr. K-3
I used this with my Sunday School class, and the students really enjoyed this craft! - Cynthia F.
Parable of the Good Shepherd 3D project for Pre-K to Gr. 3
The students love to put them together and re-explain the story. - Laura B.
Catholic Schools Week 3D Book for Gr. 2 – 5
Great resource. Love the activity. - Rebecca G.
Catholic Schools Week – Catholic Education Is For LIFE Gr. 2-5
Thanks for the great resource! They look so cute hanging from our ceiling! - Anne B.
First Penance Reconciliation Briefcase for Gr. 2
Love this to use with my first year Eucharist class. So grateful to have this worksheet being I am a first year catechist. - Elma C.
Catholic Schools Week Triptych 3D Craft for Pre-K to Gr.3
I used this as a “thank you” from the students for their parents…fun and easy to do! - Tricia V.
Hail Mary Prayer Chain 3D for Gr. 1 – 3
A little tricky at first for my students to follow the directions, but a great product for listening! - C.C.L.
Advent 3D Light the Way Class Advent Wreath For PreK to Gr.3
Thank you! Your crafts are so thoughtful and cute! MW.
First Communion Eucharist Briefcase for Gr. 2
This is a great way to reinforce our First Communion lesson. Thank you for this resource! - Caroline L.