Awards Presented by the Sisters of the Living Word
The Partners in Mission Award is given to those who exemplify the values of the Sisters of the Living Word and are committed to its mission.
The Volunteer of the Year Award is given to those who generously give of their time and talents in service to the Sisters of the Living Word.
The Tsang Family, Recipients of SLW's 2023 Partners in Mission Award

Barbara Aretz, ASLW, Recipient of SLW's 2022 Volunteers of the Year Award

Robert "Bobby" Mills, Recipient of SLW's 2022 Volunteers of the Year Award

Bruce and Alicia Schoumacher, Recipients of SLW's 2022 Volunteers of the Year Award
2023 Volunteer of the Year Award
Barbara Aretz, ASLW (TX) and Robert “Bobby” Mills, ASLW (TX)
2023 Partners in Mission Award
The Tsang Family (LA)
2022 Volunteer of the Year Award
Bruce and Alicia Schoumacher (IL)
2022 Partners in Mission Award
Josette and Glenn Buehlman (In Memoriam)
2021 Volunteer of the Year Award
Judy Himel, ASLW (LA)
2021 Partners in Mission Award
Michael James Gibbs (In Memoriam)
2020 Partners in Mission Award
Charlene and Al Smuck (LA)
Sister Joan McGlinchey, MSC (IL)
2020 Volunteers of the Year Awards
Richard Donnes and Nancy Pumilia, ASLW (LA)
Judy Maciorowski (IL)
2019 Volunteer Award
Barbara Aretz, ASLW (TX)
2019 Partners in Mission Award
Diane (ASLW) and Gary Michel (LA) and Faith Community Homes (IL)
Volunteers of the Year Awards
Catherine Guirovich, ASLW and Joy Cossich Lobrano, ASLW (LA)
Margaret McDonald, ASLW (IL)
2018 Partners in Mission Award
Bob and Marilyn Lobrano (LA) and Natalie Crary, ASLW (IL)
Volunteer of the Year Award
Emma Scheuermann (LA) and Josette Buehlman, ASLW (WI)
2017 Partners in Mission Award
Michael & Norma Kimble and Family (LA)
Carol Kelzer, ASLW & Family, Kelzer Care Center
Rev. Jack Kurps, SCJ, Sacred Heart Southern Missions
Rev. Philip Schmitter, Christ the King Parish (MI)
Volunteer of the Year Award
Frank Patzke, Owner of Guidant Wealth Advisors
2016 Partners in Mission Award
Adrian Dominicans
Franciscan Sisters of Wheaton
Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Sisters of Mercy – West Midwest Community
Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange
2015 Partners in Mission Award
Sister Simone Campbell, SSS
Volunteer of the Year
Attorney Joe Klein
2014 Partners in Mission Award
Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
Volunteers of the Year
Jaime Radwan and Maureen Schaffhausen
2013 Partners in Mission Award
Br. Michael Gosch, CSV
Volunteers of the Year
Annette and Mike Robbins
2012 Partners in Mission Award
Fr. Dan Brady
Volunteer of the Year
Laurita Saunders, SLW
2011 Partners in Mission Award
Fr. Bill Zavaski
Volunteers of the Year
Pat and George Bethel
2010 Partners in Mission Award
Joseph Cozzi
Lynda Strohmeyer, ASLW
Volunteers of the Year
Patty and Gary Colabuono
2009 Partners in Mission Award
Char and Joe Greil
Donnie and Donald Szabo
Volunteers of the Year
Marilyn and Chuck Neuman
2008 Partners in Mission Award
Rev. Clyde Brooks
Volunteers of the Year
Robbie and EJ Cormier, ASLW
2007 Partners in Mission Award
Modesto Valle
Volunteers of the Year
Von and Bill Yetzer
2006 Partners in Mission Award
Carole O’Neill
Me-Me and Maurice LeBlanc, ASLW
2005 Partners in Mission Award
Vicki Quade
Volunteers of the Year
Catherine Sabay
Eunice Dale
2004 Partners in Mission Award
Helen Bajkowski, ASLW
Robert and Joan O’Keefe
2003 Partners in Mission Award
Rev. Eugene Faucher
Mrs. Jane N. Gerity
2002 Mission Fund Award
Helen Domantay
Angela and Mark Mass
Charlotte Mass
Peter M. Shannon, Jr.
2021 Partners in Mission Award
Gwen and Ronnie Briggs, ASLW
2001 Mission Fund Award
Robert Schmitz
2001 Volunteer of the Year
Jeanne Cahill
2000 Outstanding Service Award
Nancy and Tom Cooper
Marie Roth
Laurita Saunders, SLW
25th Anniversary Award
Monsignor James C. Hardiman
Sisters of St. Joseph, La Grange, IL
1999 Mission Fund Founders Award
Steffan and Dot Vorenkamp, ASLW
Lucille Williams and Jude Williams, SLW
1999 Volunteer of the Year
Mary Kay Geimer