With your help, the Sisters comfort the oppressed, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, advocate for immigrants, offer comforting words to the sick and sorrowful, and hope to people desperately seeking a second chance in life. Sisters of the Living Word is a registered 501(c)3 organization.
Gifts to Sisters of the Living Word
If you would like to make a DAF gift through your Giving Account please click here.
For one-time or recurring gifts, please click the DONATE NOW button above.
For gifts In Memory Of, In Honor Of, or In Gratitude To, please use the Comments section on the DONATE form and list the name of the person for whom you are making this gift. The Mission Advancement Office will send a card notifying the family/individual for whom the gift is being made — use the Comments section to include the Name/Address for the family/individual to be notified of this gift. Thank you!
All benefactors of the Sisters of the Living Word are remembered in prayer by the Sisters, Associates, and Prayer Partners.
Questions? Please contact Amanda Waldhauser, Director of Mission Advancement, at awaldhauser@slw.org.