Remembering Sister Elaine Tworek
Sister Elaine Tworek began her autobiography with this statement: “It has always been of special significance to me that I was born into life and New Life on the same day”. As desired by her parents, Alois and Helen Tworek, and the pastor she was brought to St. Francis Church the very evening of her birth, May 21, 1940, in Lindsay, Nebraska, to be baptized.
Top Tips on Effective Communication from Our Sister Chat With Sister Marie McKenna, SLW, LCSW
“There are 3 “H’s”: holiness includes recognition of our humanity that leads us to humility.” -Sister Marie McKenna, featured guest for SLW’s March Sister Chat.
New Sister Chats Added – RSVP Now
Every month we gather for an intimate 30-45 minute discussion with a beloved Sister to talk about her life experiences and the work that she is passionate about! Chats will take place on the last Thursday of every month during the lunchtime hour at 12pm CT. Each conversation will be anchored by a service topic chosen by the featured Sister and will include a moderated discussion followed by an open Q&A with our event attendees.
RESPECT— A Core Value for the Dignity of all Creation
A Message from Leadership
The Sisters of the Living Word stand to promote the value of respect in every aspect of life and society. People, today of every walk of life are our neighbors, our friends, our faith journeyers, our community leaders, health workers and laborers, and sharing the same home — Earth.
Register Now for Our New Virtual Event Series
Over the last year we heard a resounding theme in the messages and phone calls that we received- many of us have experienced a difficult time maintaining a deep sense of closeness and community without being able to see other people. We have missed, and even longed for, the simplest of conversations and connection opportunities that felt so naturally accessible in the past.
Reconciling God, Creation and Humanity
Lent is a time for a renewal of heart! As we pray in psalm 51, “Create in me a new heart, O God.” What does this mean? For each of us it means conversion, returning to God’s ways. There is always some aspect in our lives in which we are not living fully as God created us to. One of the Core Values of the Sisters of the Living Word is CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME- Earth.
2021 Ministry Grant Applications Now Open
The 2021 SLW Ministry Grant Applications are now open! We, the Sisters of the Living Word, are a community of 46 women religious founded in 1975 and headquartered in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Our Mission is to reflect and affirm the Word, Jesus, who frees the oppressed and gives new life.
Human Trafficking Awareness Day
January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. This document created by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange shares more on human trafficking, a structured prayer calendar, and information on the National Human Trafficking Hotline (888-373-7888).
LCWR Statement in light of the events at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) joins with the world in praying for peace after witnessing the violence and lawlessness yesterday in our nation’s capital. We are deeply concerned about the state of our country and the future of our democracy.
Sister Luanne Shares on Volunteering with The Night Ministry
Remembering the bus that I saw going around the city providing for the needs of the homeless, I decided to see what they might have to offer for volunteering.
SLW All That Jazz Program Ad Book
Many thanks to all who are supporting the SLW All That Jazz Virtual Fundraising event.