2022 Advent Reflection – Week One
The Sisters of the Living Word offer you these Advent Sunday reflections as we move into this new Church Year. Advent is a transition time, a transformation time. So much of our lives and world are in need of transformation today. Personally, nationally and globally there are so many situations moving us to consider differing options and opinions. All the Advent Readings urge us to look to the future work of God while paying attention to the good works we witness in the present. As Jesus told John the Baptist’s disciples in Week 3, see what is happening and know God is here with us. We, like Joseph in Week 4’s Gospel, need to awake and do what we are called to do to prepare for the coming of Christ Jesus all around us.
Week 1 Advent Reflection
Written by Elizabeth Hebert, SLW
Advent invites us to a new awareness of Christ in our lives. In the busyness of our everyday lives, and especially in the busyness of preparation for the holiday season, we need to take time to slow down and reflect on the depth and quality of our personal relationship with Jesus and with others. During the next four weeks of Advent, we take time to reflect on what we truly need to do to wake from our “sleep,” that frantic and often mindless rush from one thing to another.
During these days of Advent, listen to Isaiah. How and where do we find instruction from the Lord? In a world that is broken by war, divisiveness, violence, and racism, how can we walk in the light of the Lord toward a more peaceful and just world? These are questions that each of us can begin to answer if we take the time to reflect on the true preparation we are called to make in this Advent season.
In Psalm 122, we are invited to “pray for your good.” Sometimes we can be so caught up in what is good for ourselves that we fail to see what is for the good of all. It is only when we see beyond ourselves and accept that we are all children of God that we can take steps to build peace. Start with prayer, but then take action! Take the time to learn all you can about an unjust situation, and then shine the light of Christ on the situation to help you take some steps to make a difference. Then we will truly have reason to rejoice!
Paul challenges us to wake from our sleep and put on the armor of light, to put on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do we bring light and mindfulness to conversations with others? Do we need the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation to help us step out of the darkness that keeps us from right relationship with God and with others?
In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells us to be awake and prepared for the coming of the Son of Man. How will we make this season of Advent a time of wakefulness and preparation for our salvation? Welcome Jesus anew into your heart, into your life.