SLW Welcomes Melissa Gonzalez as Mission Advancement Communications Coordinator
Join us in welcoming Melissa Gonzalez as SLW’s new Mission Advancement Communications Coordinator! She’ll be assisting Amanda Waldhauser, Director of Mission Advancement, with her work to help create and deliver the varied communications from the Sisters.
Melissa describes herself as “a professional communicator with a special interest in birth topics.” For the last fifteen years she has owned her own business as a labor and postpartum doula and Lamaze educator. Before her career as a birthworker, Melissa worked in marketing communications including her role as Director, Creative Services for the Odyssey Channel. Odyssey was a cable channel created by Faith & Values Media, a consortium of 29 different Christian and Jewish faith groups whose mission was to air faith-based television that was neither prosletyizing nor fundraising. More recently, she worked as Communications Administrator for her home church, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Glen Ellyn IL.
After having bilateral total knee replacement this summer, she is sincerely delighted to work with the Sisters on their many important initiatives. Melissa lives in Lombard with her family and originally hails from the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio.