Awaiting Easter!
“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10)
If you have watched any of the episodes of the amazing production of The Chosen, every move of Jesus is to heal, to set free, to open the heart to care, to love unconditionally those that seem unlovable. The portrayal of Jesus as a deeply caring individual is shown through his gaze on others, and his desire to draw others to live in love and change their surroundings by love and not by violence in any form.
Easter Sunday is around the corner. Before it arrives we suffer with Jesus, who was mocked and rejected. His Way to “have life and have it abundantly” was so countercultural that the powers that were would not accept it and even the disciples struggled to learn to implement His Way in their violent reality.
When Easter Sunday does arrive let us rejoice in the promise of Jesus that His Way, the way to an abundant life in God, is possible. As we share the joy of Easter we believe that LIFE, through the Resurrection here and now, not only at the end of our days, is our hope. As disciples, we are called to learn Jesus’ Way. The more we live His way, God’s way, Easter will bloom amidst the darkness and bring the joy we are awaiting.
Sisters of the Living Word Leadership Team