We’re a community of women religious who advocate for the
homeless, immigrants, the environment, anti-racism,
and victims of human trafficking.
SLW Mission and Core Values
“Emmy Winning” Video
Latest News & Updates
Creating Communion at the Intersection of Racism, Migration, and Climate Crisis
“Responding to God who loves all of creation into being, we recommit ourselves to create communion and examine root causes of injustice. We particularly focus on the intersection of racism, migration, and climate crisis. We recognize a sense of urgency and pledge prayer, education, and advocacy. We will use our collective voice, resources, and power in collaboration with others to establish justice which reflects God’s creating love.” — Leadership Conference of Women Religious Resolution to Action
We are heartbroken by the myriad ways our one human family suffer from disconnection, indifference, violence, and fear in the face of racism, migration, and climate crisis.
Responding to God who loves all of creation into being, we recommit ourselves to create communion and examine root causes of injustice. We particularly focus on the intersection of racism, migration, and climate crisis. We recognize a sense of urgency and use our collective voice, resources, and power in collaboration with others to establish justice which reflects God’s love.
“In the presence of constant and painful reminders of the deep roots of racism in our country,” reads the 2018 statement of recommitment, which echoes the wording of the 2016 resolution, LCWR pledges “to go deeper into the critical work of creating communion, examining the root causes of injustice and our own complicity, and purging ourselves, our communities, and our country of the sin of racism and its destructive effects.”
— Leadership Conference of Women Religious Resolution to Action
SLW Corporate Stance
To stand for the Care of Earth personally and corporately by our daily actions and work to support civil policies for the Care of Earth.
In June 2006, SLW and Associates formally endorsed the Earth Charter, with the commitment to “. . . take on, joyfully, trustingly, and courageously as a sacred trust, the protection of Earth’s vitality, diversity, and beauty” (The Earth Charter).
Our corporate stance at this time continues our commitment in this urgent need.
Our Core Principles for Living and Serving
LIVING THE GOSPEL: Trusting in God’s providence, sharing in mutuality with people who are poor and marginalized, working in collaboration, and searching for truth in dialogue with others.
RESPECT: Respecting the dignity of each person and valuing each person’s word through the gifts of listening, presence, and compassion.
LIFE OF FAITH: Being rooted in God’s Word as followers of Jesus and in communion with all people and creation.
Sharing our gifts and creating sustainable ways of living so all will have what they need.
PEACE & JUSTICE: Promoting the common good through systemic change and accompanying and empowering others to bring new life.