Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Sister Chat Recording Links

We are excited to share that our Sister Chat event recordings have now surpassed over 1,000 views!

We regularly gather for intimate 45 minute discussions with our SLW Sisters to talk about their ministry, service, life experiences, and the work that they are passionate about. These moderated discussions are followed by an open Q&A with our event attendees.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

August Sister Chat

Join us on Thursday, August 22nd at 12pm CT over Zoom as we speak with Sister Carrie Miller. We will be chatting with Sister Carrie about her recent pilgrimage to the Nogales, Arizona/Mexico border as a board member of Viator House. 

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Spring Sister Chats

Join us on Thursday, April 25th at 12pm CT over Zoom as we speak with Sister Mary Cornille. We will be chatting with Sister Mary about her work with special education youth and young adults.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Remembering Sister Joanne Fedewa

Sister Joanne Fedewa passed away into eternal life on February 13th, 2024 at 93 years of age. She prepared the following autobiography to share her life’s story.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Chicago Homicide Prayer Vigil on January 27th at 9:30am CT

As of January 19, 2024, there have been 73 people shot and a total of 18 homicides this month. We will be gathering at the Congregation of St Joseph, 1515 Ogden Avenue, La Grange Park to pray for all who have lost their lives to violence this month. We pray for an end to violence in our city. We will still stream the vigil if you wish to join virtually.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Fourth Sunday of Advent Reflection

Do you think that the word “will,” as in a future action, echoed around twenty times in today’s Scriptures, had much influence on the Jewish mind and heart of the young Mary we find in Luke’s Gospel account?

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Third Sunday of Advent Reflection

We recognize in the core values of the Sisters of the Living Word the same message as Isaiah when he writes, “He has sent me to bring good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken.”

Paul says “care for the weak and be patient with everyone.”

Jesus himself says, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, that you do unto me.”

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Second Sunday of Advent Reflection

Isaiah begins his word today by making a pertinent statement – “Give comfort to my people.” Who are these people today? An answer might be – migrants who are looking for a better life in today’s world, or street people whose aspirations may be no different, or the elderly in our midst for whom life is getting short.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Welcoming the Advent Season

Trusting in God’s Providence, from Core SLW Value #2, is the message of the first Readings on the four Sundays of Advent. The prophet Isaiah had to deal with the slow movement of God in bringing the people back to their land after a period of exile.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

November 2023 Sister Chat

Join us on Thursday, November 30th at 12pm CT over Zoom as we speak with Sister Kristine Vorenkamp.

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Amanda Waldhauser Amanda Waldhauser

Thank You for Your Support!

Thanks to the incredible support we received from this community our 2023 All That Jazz fundraiser was a record breaking success!

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